Aha…A New Post from Philippe/Facts Of Music!
Well folks, there has been a lot going on here at Facts Of Music lately, and it’s about time to post something about it! One of the great things about technology these days is the possibility of doing many types of functions in the amount of time it used to take to do one or two. I will be elaborating and commenting on various and new combinations of things – like playing multiple instruments, recording them, and video-taping your performances in almost real-time (virtually!). Seriously though, it’s amazing what you can do with a little know-how, equipment, and practice (rehearsing).
I’ll try to fill you in on all of this in the coming week or two, and then we can try to apply the rules of the road (the show, of course – you know, “taking the show on the road!”). Thanks for reading, and I’ll keep you posted – SOON!